Playwriting: Top Ten Tips

1. Your play needs a conflict: is there a compelling problem?

2. There must be growth in your characters over the course of the play. What have they learned, how have they changed, how has the plot affected them?

3. Character speech should be interesting. Make sure each character has a distinct voice - you should be able to “hear” each character.

4. Your characters all need interesting actions: plays are about action, not just talking.

5. Every scene should build on the one that came before adding new information about the plot or characters.

6. Be original: don’t do something you’ve already seen (on TV or in the movies).

7. Give yourself enough time to write the play.

8. Never use a stage direction when you should have a scene – your story needs to be told through the events and actions of the scenes.

9. If the reader/audience can see it, don’t say it.

10. Keep ahead of the reader. Don’t let them figure out your ending before you get there.